
Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/28

Blog - posts for April 2019

Apr 30 2019

XWiki 11.3 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.3. This release was focused on bug fixes and also comes with a couple of small improvements for things like the live table date filter, the Database List field from AppWithinMinutes or the Delete User modal. There's also a new Tomcat 9 based Debian package that you might want to try. ...

Apr 23 2019

XWiki 10.11.7 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 10.11.7. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 10.11.6 has been released. ...

XWiki 11.3 RC1 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 11.3 RC1. This release comes with a lot of bug fixes and a couple of small improvements for things like the live table date filter, the Database List field from AppWithinMinutes or the Delete User modal. There's also a new Tomcat 9 based Debian package that you might want to try. ...

Apr 12 2019

XWiki 10.11.6 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 10.11.6. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 10.11.5 has been released. ...

Apr 10 2019

Lines of Code on 2019-04-10

For fun, I computed the lines of code in XWiki Standard as of 2019-04-10 (using cloc after cloning to get a clean state). Note: This is to be compared with the data provided by OpenHub for XWiki. ...

Apr 08 2019

XWiki 10.11.5 Released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 10.11.5. This is a bugfix release that covers important issues that we have discovered since 10.11.4 has been released. ...

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