Version 59.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

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Thomas Mortagne 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
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Silvia Macovei 2.2 5 Second milestone of the XWiki Enterprise 2.4 version ([[Roadmap>>enterprise:Main.Roadmap]]).
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 6
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 7 The highlights of this release are: object and classes edition improvements and especially the possibility the remove classes properties, template based page creation, invitations and more security improvements.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 8
9 = New and Noteworthy (since XWiki Enterprise 2.4 Milestone 1) =
11 == Objects and classes editor improvements ==
Silvia Macovei 58.3 13 The object and class editor are now fully panel-less, which among other things means that you have the full object/class editors UI even in an empty wiki without having to import the needed XE xar.
Thomas Mortagne 40.1 14
Thomas Mortagne 38.1 15 [[image:objecteditor.png||style="border:1px solid black;" width="500"]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 16
Silvia Macovei 58.3 17 The class editor also adds better refactoring capabilities:
abusenius 42.1 18
Thomas Mortagne 40.1 19 * reorder class properties
20 * delete a class property
Thomas Mortagne 38.1 22 [[image:classeditor.png||style="border:1px solid black;" width="500"]]
Thomas Mortagne 33.1 23
Silvia Macovei 58.3 24 There are also many other small ergonomics improvements to discover !
Thomas Mortagne 40.1 25
Vincent Massol 8.3 26 == New Template-based page creation ==
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 27
Vincent Massol 8.4 28 Starting with this release users and applications can provide documents that can be used as template when creating new pages. The new document (content, objects and other metadata) will be replicated from the template.
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 29
Vincent Massol 58.5 30 * After you have [[created the template and the template provider>>extensions:Extension.Administration Application#HEasyTemplatesCreationandAdministration28StartingwithXWikiEnterprise2.4M229]] you can then start creating pages from this template:
Silvia Macovei 7.1 31
32 image:1gcreatedocument.jpg
Vincent Massol 8.4 34 * "Wanted Links" also offers the choice to create the new document from the available templates ( "My Template" template in the image below):
Silvia Macovei 7.1 35
36 image:1ipopup.jpg
Vincent Massol 58.5 38 Find more details about the template creation and administration on the [[documentation page>>extensions:Extension.Administration Application#HEasyTemplatesCreationandAdministration28StartingwithXWikiEnterprise2.4M229]].
Silvia Macovei 7.1 39
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 40 == New Invitation Manager application ==
Silvia Macovei 7.1 42 The Invitation Manager application allows users to send emails, inviting friends and colleagues to join a wiki. You will be able to configure your wiki to send emails through an open mail relay on the server or through an email account of your choosing.
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 43
Silvia Macovei 7.1 44 An invitation may allow users to register in a wiki where registration is forbidden. Invitees may choose to accept or decline an invitation. Spam prevention measures ensure that email recipients will have a button to report that message as abuse.
46 Internationalized and configurable email templates generate rich HTML email content from user input.
48 image:InvitationSending.png
Vincent Massol 58.5 50 Learn how you can configure this application by visiting the [[application page>>extensions:Extension.Invitation Application]].
Silvia Macovei 7.1 51
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 52 == New search application improvements ==
Silvia Macovei 58.3 54 * The improvements facilitate search on the main wiki of a farm. They make it possible for you to select the wikis where to search in using the LuceneSearch page.
Thomas Mortagne 4.1 55
Thomas Mortagne 15.1 56 [[image:wikiselection.png||style="border:1px solid black;"]]
Thomas Mortagne 11.1 57
58 == WYSIWYG Improvements ==
60 * Added the ability to insert macros with a single click from the tool bar
Marius Dumitru Florea 43.1 61 [[image:insertMacroFromToolBar.png]]
Thomas Mortagne 11.1 62 * Added a 'paste with filtered styles' button on the tool bar
Marius Dumitru Florea 43.1 63 [[image:pasteIconOnToolBar.png]]
Thomas Mortagne 11.1 64 * Wysiwyg editor import from office feature now filter style by default
Vincent Massol 8.1 66 == JMX Administration Console ==
68 * XWiki is now using [[JMX to provide runtime Monitoring information>>platform:AdminGuide.Monitoring]].
Silvia Macovei 8.2 69 * The first usage implemented is about monitoring the JBoss cachad and the Velocity Macro caches, as shown below:
Vincent Massol 8.1 71 image:platform:[email protected]
Thomas Mortagne 26.1 73 == Watchlist improvements ==
75 * Allow to remove elements in the watchlist from the user profile
76 * Add in virtual mode, add a wikis section in "elements in your watchlist"
Thomas Mortagne 46.1 78 [[image:watchlist.png||style="border:1px solid black;"]]
Thomas Mortagne 27.1 79
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 80 == Script improvements ==
Thomas Mortagne 9.1 82 * Make the Query Manager use the Script Service to expose services to scripts. See [[Query Guide>>platform:DevGuide.QueryGuide]] for more details.
Vincent Massol 58.5 83 * Make possible to directly return the Block based result of a script macro. It's supported for all JSR 223 macro which means all script macro script Velocity macro for now. See [[Script Macro>>extensions:Extension.Script Macro]] for more details.
84 * Prevent nested script macros by default: It's now impossible for the output of a script macro to become another script macro for security reasons. See [[Script Macro>>extensions:Extension.Script Macro]] for more details.
Thomas Mortagne 9.1 85
Thomas Mortagne 16.1 86 == Javascript improvements ==
88 * Start writing a Javascript mirror of the XWiki data model: Document.getURL
89 * New "suggestDocuments" behavior for input fields
Thomas Mortagne 28.1 91 == Miscelaneous ==
Thomas Mortagne 29.1 93 * Allow to make document titles mandatory when editing
Thomas Mortagne 28.1 94 * Confluence syntax parser bugfixes
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 96 == Dependencies upgrade ==
98 * Doxia 1.1.3
99 * JODConverter 3.0 beta3
100 * JBossCache 3.2.5.GA
101 * Groovy 1.7.3
102 * 1.8.3
Thomas Mortagne 24.1 103 * Jython 2.5.2b1
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 104
105 == Translations ==
107 * All the translations have been updated
109 = Known issues =
Thomas Mortagne 59.1 111 * [[Bugs we know about>>]]
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 112
113 = Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes =
115 == General Notes ==
117 {{warning}}
118 If you're running in a multiwiki setup you'll also need to define the property // to your //xwiki.cfg// file or explicitly name all databases to be migrated as in //,db2,...//.
119 {{/warning}}
121 You may also want to [[import the default wiki XAR>>Main.Download]] in order to benefit from the improvements listed above.
123 {{warning}}
124 Always make sure you compare your //xwiki.cfg// file with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note you should add // so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.
125 {{/warning}}
127 == Migration Notes ==
Caleb James DeLisle 54.1 129 * The default execution order of syntax 1.0 renderers was changed, now groovy scripts are executed before velocity. You can change the order using ##xwiki.render.renderingorder## configuration option in [[xwiki.cfg>>platform:AdminGuide.Configuration#HSamplexwiki.cfg]].
Vincent Massol 58.5 130 * It's now impossible for the output of a script macro to become another script macro. If you need this functionality, you can get it by opening xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/[[xwiki-core-rendering-macro-script-2.4.jar>>extensions:Extension.Script Macro]] and inside of the jar, editing /META-INF/[[components.txt>>extensions:Extension.Component Module]] and removing the line which says:
Caleb James DeLisle 54.1 131 ##org.xwiki.rendering.internal.macro.script.NestedScriptMacroValidator##
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 132
133 == API Breakages ==
Thomas Mortagne 51.1 135 * ##org.xwiki.rendering.listener.DefaultAttachement## as been renamed to ##org.xwiki.rendering.listener.DefaultAttachment##
Thomas Mortagne 56.1 136 * jodconverter packages and some classes names has been modified in 3.0 beta3
Thomas Mortagne 51.1 137
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 138 The following APIs were modified since XWiki Enterprise 2.3:
Thomas Mortagne 9.1 140 {{code language="none"}}
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 141 [ERROR] org.xwiki.rendering.listener.DefaultAttachement: Class org.xwiki.rendering.listener.DefaultAttachement removed
142 [ERROR] org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.MacroTransformationContext: Method 'public org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.MacroTransformation getMacroTransformation()' has been removed
143 [ERROR] org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.MacroTransformationContext: Method 'public void setMacroTransformation(org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.MacroTransformation)' has been removed
144 [ERROR] org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.Transformation: Method 'public void transform(org.xwiki.rendering.block.Block, org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.TransformationContext)' has been added to an interface
145 [ERROR] org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.TransformationManager: Method 'public void performTransformations(org.xwiki.rendering.block.Block, org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.TransformationContext)' has been added to an interface
Thomas Mortagne 55.1 146 [ERROR] org.xwiki.officeimporter.openoffice.OpenOfficeManager: Return type of method 'public net.sf.jodconverter.OfficeDocumentConverter getDocumentConverter()' has been changed to org.artofsolving.jodconverter.OfficeDocumentConverter
Thomas Mortagne 47.1 147 [ERROR] org.xwiki.model.ModelContext: Method 'public void setCurrentEntityReference(org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference)' has been added to an interface
148 [ERROR] org.xwiki.bridge.DocumentAccessBridge: Method 'public void setCurrentUser(java.lang.String)' has been added to an interface
149 [ERROR] org.xwiki.velocity.VelocityEngine: Method 'public void clearMacroNamespace(java.lang.String)' has been added to an interface
Thomas Mortagne 1.1 150 {{/code}}

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